Repositório Digital da Produção Técnico Científica
Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz

- Artigos de 2020
- Fonte dos artigos : Repositório Digital/IPEN
Relação dos Títulos de Periódicos de  2020    Sem CiteScore
( de acordo com a última versão do Scopus, 2020 )
Ordem : CiteScore decrescente e Periódico
SeqPer CiteScore Percentil Ano Periodico Ipen_doc Título Primeiro Autor
1 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Annals of Marine Science 27229 Electron Spin Resonance and Thermoluminescence dating of shells and sediments from Sambaqui (shell mound) Santa Marta II, Brazil OLIVEIRA, L.M.
  Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Annals of Marine Science 27230 EPR dating of shells from Malhada Marsh, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil GOMES, M.B.
2 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Asian Journal of Science and Technology 27191 Material characterization of exudates from Brazilian contemporary oil painting by FTIR, Py-GC/MS and SEM-EDS REDÃGOLO, M.M.
3 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Bioactive Compounds in Health and Disease 27556 Information gain in environmental monitoring through bioindication and biomonitoring methods ("B & B technologies") and phytoremediation processes–with special reference to the Biological System of Chemical Elements (BSCE) under specific consideration of Lithium MARKERT, BERND
4 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Boletin Sociedad Española Hidrologia Medica 28063 Guarani aquifer system (GAS) LAZZERINI, FABIO T.
5 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 27761 Simple and cost-effective method for microplastic quantification in estuarine sediment GIMILIANI, GIOVANA T.
6 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Ciência e Natura 27375 Synthesis and characterization of PtRu/Carbon hybrids with different metallic load by hydrothermal carbonization method TUSI, MARCELO M.
7 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Energy Storage 27245 Comparison of various atomic compositions of Au@Pd/C, Pd/C, and AuPd/C electrocatalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells FONTES, ERIC H.
8 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 EPJ Web of Conferences 27244 Comparison among the atmospheric boundary layer height estimated from three different tracers MOREIRA, GREGORI de A.
  Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 EPJ Web of Conferences 27251 Exploring the twilight zone SILVA, JONATAN da
  Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 EPJ Web of Conferences 27253 LALINET network status LANDULFO, EDUARDO
9 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Frontiers in Medical Technology 27541 Enhanced immune responses and protective immunity to Zika virus induced by a DNA vaccine encoding a chimeric NS1 fused with type 1 Herpes virus gD protein PEREIRA, LENNON R.
10 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science 27568 Brazilian coastal region modeling with WRF/SMOKE/CMAQ and atmospheric parameter measurement validation with radio probing, Sodar and Lidar LORIATO, AYRES G.
11 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment 27569 Oxytetracycline water contamination treated with biocarbon TiO2 and solar photodecomposition ORTIZ, NILCE
12 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Journal of Applied Materials and Technology 27762 Synthesis of calcium silicate hydrate compounds from wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) waste FUNGARO, DENISE A.
13 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering 27574 Yeast-TiO2 biotemplate for oxytetracycline solar photodecomposition ORTIZ, NILCE
14 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Journal of the European Radon Association 27237 A method for radiologically evaluating indoor use of dimension stone considering radon exhalation rates EL HAJJ, THAMMIRIS M.
15 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis 27189 Descriptive epidemiological and pathological study of canine renal cell carcinoma BELLINI, MARIA H.
16 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Latin-American Journal of Physics Education 27764 Structural analysis of polydimethylsiloxane samples OLIVO-ARIAS, L.P.
17 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Materials Advances 27576 Highly sensitive and precise optical temperature sensors based on new luminescent Tb3+/Eu3+ tetrakis complexes with imidazolic counterions GUIMARAES, LUCCA B.
18 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Materials Sciences and Applications 27228 Cellulose nanoparticles extracted from sugarcane bagasse and their use in biodegradable recipients for improving physical properties and water barrier of the latter BRANT, ANTONIO J.C.
19 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Medical & Clinical Research 27190 Essential elements as biomarkers of metastatic renal cell carcinoma BELLINI, MARIA H.
  Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Medical & Clinical Research 27194 Variations in essential elements after malignant transformation of kidney epithelial tubular cells BELLINI, MARIA H.
  Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Medical & Clinical Research 27580 eNOS 894T allele can contribute to endothelial dysfunction but not QT interval prolongation in dialytic patients ANDRADE, JESSICA L.F.
20 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Nuclear Engineering International 28426 Brazil looks to HALEU GUIMARAES, LEONAM dos S.
21 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Revista Internacional de Ciências 27242 Análise do acidente de perda de refrigerante primário devido a quebra da linha de surto do pressurizador da usina nuclear Angra 2 BORGES, EDUARDO M.
  Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 Revista Internacional de Ciências 27767 STC-MOX-Th SANTOS, THIAGO A. dos
22 Sem CiteScore Sem Percentil CiteScore 2020 World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 26863 Analysis of materials for heat transport in tokamaks BELLONI, MARCIO