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Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz



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NISTI, M.B. ( 51 )

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Publicações do autor   MARCELO BESSA NISTI    depositadas no Repositório Digital/IPEN - Total : 90
16/01/2025 05:35:09
Seq Ano Ipen_doc Tipo Circ. Título
1 2024 30584 Texto completo de evento Internacional Comparison of ERICA Tool versions 1.3 and 2.0 in an environmental scenario using NORM residue
2 2024 30647 Texto completo de evento Internacional Determinação de Sr-90 por Cintilação em Fase Líquida
3 2024 30655 Texto completo de evento Internacional One year of Be-7 measurement in rainfall collected in different points in the city of São Paulo, Brazil
4 2024 30765 Artigo de periódico Internacional Activity concentration of natural radionuclides (238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 228Ra and 40K) in lettuce cultivated in soil amended with niobium tailings
5 2023 30053 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Activity concentration of natural radionuclides (238U, 226Ra, 232Th, 228Ra, 210Pb and 40K) in soil amended with niobium tailings
6 2022 28657 Artigo de periódico Nacional Reducing the risk for the biota by reusing a NORM residue
7 2022 28704 Capítulo de livro Nacional 16 anos de resultados de determinação de radionuclídeos emissores gama na água da piscina do reator IEA-R1
8 2022 29126 Artigo de periódico Nacional Counting efficiency in gamma-ray spectrometry with different sample volumes for the same geometry
9 2022 29129 Artigo de periódico Nacional Determination of natural radionuclides (Ra-226, Po-210, Ra-228 and K-40) and Cs-137 in fish consumed in the city of São Paulo
10 2022 29139 Artigo de periódico Nacional Assessment of natural radioactivity in bottled mineral water from Brazil
11 2022 29172 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Estimated absorbed dose rate in the non-human biota in different environmental scenarios
12 2021 27849 Artigo de periódico Nacional Estimation of exposure levels of terrestrial biota and radiation exposure around IPEN’s facilities
13 2021 28187 Texto completo de evento Internacional Assessment of natural radioactivity in bottled mineral water from Brazil
14 2021 28198 Texto completo de evento Internacional Counting efficiency in gamma ray spectrometry with different volumes for the same geometry
15 2021 28199 Texto completo de evento Internacional Counting time optimization for gamma-ray spectrometry analysis
16 2021 28205 Texto completo de evento Internacional Determination of natural radionuclides (Ra-226, Pb-210, Po-210, Ra-228 and K-40) and Cs-137 in fish consumed in the City of São Paulo
17 2020 26459 Artigo de periódico Internacional Lixiviation of rare earth elements in tropical soils amended with phosphogypsum
18 2020 26879 Artigo de periódico Internacional Levels of Polonium-210 in brain and pulmonary tissues
19 2020 27192 Artigo de periódico Nacional Optimization of the gamma-ray spectrometry counting time based on uncertainties of radionuclides concentration in samples
20 2020 27231 Artigo de periódico Nacional Radiological implications of using phosphogypsum as building material
21 2020 28715 Capítulo de livro Internacional Assessment of Sr-90, Cs-137, natural radionuclides and metals in marine fish species consumed in the city of São Paulo - Brazil
22 2019 25739 Artigo de periódico Nacional Assessment of Sr-90 in water samples
23 2019 26059 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Determinação da taxa de exalação do 222Rn no solo do IPEN
24 2019 26062 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Determinação de Cs-137 e radionuclídeos naturais em sedimentos do Sistema Estuário da Baixada Santista, Brasil
25 2019 26173 Texto completo de evento Internacional Determination of gross alpha and beta radioactivity by liquid scintillation counting in drinking water consumed in the cities of Paraná-Brazil
26 2019 26182 Texto completo de evento Internacional Estimation of exposure levels of terrestrial biota and radiation exposure around IPEN´s facilities
27 2019 26214 Texto completo de evento Internacional External gamma exposure due to the application of carbonate niobium tailing as soil amendment
28 2019 26497 Artigo de periódico Nacional Radiation hazard indices in the application of phosphogypsum mixtures as a building material
29 2019 27952 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Naturally occurring radionuclides in a fish reference material
30 2019 27953 Texto completo de evento Internacional Radiological evaluation of bricks made with NORM residue
31 2019 27954 Texto completo de evento Internacional Radiological implications of using phosphogypsum as soil conditioner
32 2018 25895 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Precision and accuracy of the methodology for the determination of Pb-210 by LSC and Po-210 by alpha spectrometry using a Sr-Spec resin
33 2018 25896 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Assessment of Sr-90, Cs-137, natural radionuclides and metals in marine fish species consumed in the city of São Paulo - Brazil
34 2018 25981 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Modelling of radiation doses arisen from the use of phosphogypsum-made bricks in construction
35 2018 25982 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Radiological implications of using phosphogypsum as building material
36 2017 23032 Artigo de periódico Internacional Phosphogypsum recycling in the building materials industry: assessment of the radon exhalation rate
37 2017 24072 Texto completo de evento Internacional Assessment of SR-90 in water samples: precision and accuracy
38 2017 24137 Texto completo de evento Internacional Determination of natural radionuclides, U, Th-232, Ra-226, Ra-228, Pb-210 and K-40 in sediments from Cananéia-Iguape system, Brazil
39 2017 24606 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Validation of uranium and thorium determination in sediments by spectrophotometry with Arsenazo III
40 2016 22062 Tese Nacional Lixiviação de metais e radionuclídeos em solos tropicais condicionados com fosfogesso
41 2016 22872 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Assessment of 222Rn concentration in the soil around IPEN facilities
42 2016 22974 Texto completo de evento Internacional Radiological implications of using phosphogypsum as building material
43 2015 21275 Artigo de periódico Internacional Lixiviation of natural radionuclides and heavy metals in tropical soils amended with phosphogypsum
44 2015 21402 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional sup(7)Be concentration in air surface over a long period of monitoring in the city of São Paulo, Brazil
45 2015 21405 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Radiation hazard indices in the application of phosphopgypsum mixtures as a building material: proposal for a regulation
46 2015 21554 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Natural radionuclides uptake into alfalfa grown in soil amended with phosphogypsun
47 2015 21569 Texto completo de evento Internacional Gross beta activity in water Cerenkov Method
48 2015 21570 Texto completo de evento Internacional Determination of Usub(nat), TH, rare earth and metals in soil around IPEN facilities
49 2015 21589 Capítulo de livro Internacional A comparison of analytical methods for screening gross alpha and beta radioactivity in water by liquid scintillation counting and gas flow proportional counting
50 2015 21590 Capítulo de livro Internacional Determination of radioactivity levels and sup(222)Rn exhalation rates in soil around IPEN facilities
51 2014 19556 Artigo de periódico Internacional Natural radionuclides content and radon exhalation rate from brazilian phosphogypsum piles
52 2014 20466 Texto completo de evento Internacional Comparison fo sup(210)Pb determination in environmental samples by liquid scintillation counting and gas flow proportional counting
53 2014 20467 Texto completo de evento Internacional Determination of sup(14)C efficiency by liquid scintillation counter using two methods: triple to double coincidence ratio and quench parameter external
54 2014 20556 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Lixiviation of metals in columns of tropical soil amended with phosphogypsum
55 2014 20576 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Optimization of methodology for the determination of gross alpha and beta activity in water by LSC
56 2014 22313 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Factors affecting the sup(7)Be concentration in surface air over a long period of monitoring in São Paulo, Brazil
57 2014 22328 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Evaluation of the dependence of radiation hazard indices on the physical characteristics of phosphogypsum-based building materials
58 2014 22332 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Lixiviation of natural radionuclides in columns of tropical soil amended with phosphogypsum
59 2013 18844 Artigo de periódico Internacional Anthropogenic radiotracers assessment as tool to environmental compliance rules and management
60 2013 19399 Texto completo de evento Internacional Comparison of triple to double coincidence ratio and quench parameter external methods for the determination of sup(3)H efficiency by liquid scintillation counting
61 2013 19632 Texto completo de evento Internacional Radiological impact of the application of phosphogypsum in civil construction: an overview of Brazilian studies
62 2013 21568 Texto completo de evento Internacional Natural radioactivity and sup(222)Rn exhalation rate from Brazilian phosphogypsum building materials
63 2013 23880 Texto completo de evento Internacional Assessment of metals by instrumental neutron activation analysis in six fish species consumed in the city of São Paulo
64 2011 16836 Texto completo de evento Internacional Requirements for radioactive effluents samples submitted to atomic absorption spectrometry
65 2011 16842 Texto completo de evento Internacional Exhalation of radon from phosphogypsum plates of different origins
66 2011 17108 Texto completo de evento Internacional Uranium concentrations in the water consumed by the resident population in the vicinity of the Lagoa Real uranium province, Bahia, Brazil
67 2011 17445 Texto completo de evento Internacional Estudo da exalação de Rn-222 em fosfogesso por meio da técnica de adsorção em carvão ativado
68 2011 17447 Texto completo de evento Internacional Estimativa do fator de diluição para efluentes radioativos liquidos empregando os radiotraçadores H-3 e Cs-137 presentes como poluentes
69 2011 17450 Texto completo de evento Internacional Decisions and procedures to cleaner production concerning on liquid effluents assessment
70 2011 17453 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Seasonal variation of sup(7)Be concentrations measured at ground level air in São Paulo - Brazil
71 2011 17687 Texto completo de evento Internacional Natural radionuclides content and radon exhalation rate from Brazilian phosphogypsum piles
72 2010 15690 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Randon exhalation from phosphogypsum bricks
73 2009 13889 Dissertação Nacional Sistema Ambiental aplicado a liberacao de efluentes radioativo liquido
74 2009 14516 Artigo de periódico Internacional Fast methodology for time counting optimization in gamma-ray spectrometry based on prest minimum detectable amounts
75 2009 15071 Texto completo de evento Internacional Quantification of stable elements in liquid radioactive effluent
76 2009 15108 Texto completo de evento Internacional Method to determine the release dilution factor for liquid radioactive effluent
77 2008 13512 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Fast methodology for time counting optimization in gamma-ray spectrometry based on preset minimum detectable amounts
78 2008 13521 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Natural radionuclides from soil in a landfill area investigation
79 2008 13533 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional A decade of assessment of the natural and artificial radioactivity in feedstuffs and food commodities imported and exported by Brazil
80 2008 13902 Capítulo de livro Internacional Assessment of Radioactive liquid effluents release at IPEN-CNEN/SP
81 2007 13486 Texto completo de evento Internacional Assessment of radioactive liquid effluents release at IPEN-CNEN/SP
82 2002 08635 Artigo de periódico Internacional Enhancement of natural radioactivity in the surrounding of a phosphate fertilizer complex in Santos basin, Brazil
83 2001 08634 Texto completo de evento Internacional Enhancement of natural radioactivity in the surrounding of a phosphate fertilizer complex in Santos basin, Brazil
84 2000 06845 Artigo de periódico Internacional Radiochemical characterization of Brazilian phosphogypsum
85 2000 07219 Texto completo de evento Nacional Radionuclideos naturais em aguas minerais e lama sulfurosa utilizadas em terapia termal no Brasil
86 1999 06797 Texto completo de evento Internacional Natural radionuclides in mud and spring water used in thermal therapy in a Brazilian spa
87 1997 04734 Artigo de periódico Internacional Natural radioactivity of some brazilian building materials
88 1997 04923 Texto completo de evento Nacional Correcao de auto-absorcao na espectrometria gama de amostras ambientais
89 1993 04585 Série Publicação IPEN Nacional Analises radiometricas realizadas pelo Servico de Monitoracao Ambiental do IPEN de 1988 a 1991
90 1993 04636 Série Publicação IPEN Nacional Preliminary estimation of the contribution of sand in concrete to the indoor dose

Quadro resumo por ano e tipo de publicação gerada em tempo real a partir do registro dos dados do
autor   MARCELO BESSA NISTI    no Repositório Digital/IPEN
16/01/2025 05:35:11
Ano Periódicos Periódicos Resumos Eventos Texto Completo Eventos Resumos Teses / Dissertações Livros Capítulos de Livros Relatório
Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Mest. Dout. MP * Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac.
Total 11 9 35 2 24 1 1 4 1 90
2024 1 3 4
2023 1 1
2022 4 1 1 6
2021 1 4 5
2020 2 2 1 5
2019 2 5 3 10
2018 4 4
2017 1 2 1 4
2016 1 1 1 3
2015 1 2 3 2 8
2014 1 2 5 8
2013 1 4 5
2011 7 1 8
2010 1 1
2009 1 2 1 4
2008 3 1 4
2007 1 1
2002 1 1
2001 1 1
2000 1 1 2
1999 1 1
1997 1 1 2
1993 2

 MP * - de 2000 a 2012 - Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia
a partir de 2022 - Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologia das Radiações em Ciências da Saúde