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Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz



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ALMEIDA, B.E. ( 15 )

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Publicações do autor   BEATRIZ ELANE DE ALMEIDA    depositadas no Repositório Digital/IPEN - Total : 24
05/02/2025 17:06:06
Seq Ano Ipen_doc Tipo Circ. Título
1 2017 23146 Artigo de periódico Internacional Biological activity of different batches of equine chorionic gonadotropin as determined by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and in vivo assay
2 2016 23500 Artigo de periódico Internacional Physical-chemical and biological characterization of different preparations of equine chorionic gonadotropin
3 2016 23969 Artigo de periódico Internacional Effect of cold stress on physicochemical characteristics and biological activity of equine chorionic gonadotropin
4 2014 20113 Artigo de periódico Internacional Reversed-phase performance liquid chromatography as an alternative to animal bioassay for human thyrotropin potency determination
5 2014 20256 Resumos em periódicos Internacional Effects of butyrate and manganese on productivity, sialylation, N-glycosylation site occupancy and biological properties of CHO-derived thyrotropin
6 2013 19545 Artigo de periódico Internacional Enhancement of human thyrotropin synthesis by sodium butyrate addition to serum-free CHO cell culture
7 2013 19879 Tese Nacional Determinação de potência de diferentes preparações de foliculotrofina, luteotrofina e tireotrofina: comparação entre a quantificação por cromatografia líquida em fase reversa e por bioensaio in vivo
8 2012 17740 Artigo de periódico Internacional Qualitative and quantitative reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic analysis of glycoprotein hormones in the presence of a large excess of human serum albumin
9 2012 18121 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional Complete RP-HPLC analysis of WHO International Standards
10 2012 18702 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Sodium butyrate greatly enhances human thyrotropin (hTSH) synthesis by serum-free CHO cell culture with alterations of the carbohydrate moiety
11 2012 18703 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Quantitative analysis of different preparations of human thyrotropin (hTSH): a comparison between RP-HPLC and the in vivo bioassay based on thyroxine stimulaton mice
12 2011 16425 Artigo de periódico Internacional A pilot study on potency determination of human follicle-stimulating hormone: A comparison between reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography method and the vivo bioassay
13 2011 16441 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Glycosylation and pharmacokinetics of human thyrotropin
14 2011 16586 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional RP-HPLC qualitative and quantitative analysis of glycoprotein hormones in the presence of high amounts of human serum albumin: hLH, hCG, hFSH and hTSH
15 2010 14984 Artigo de periódico Internacional Analysis of human luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin preparations of different origins by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
16 2010 16157 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional Reversed-phase higg-performance liquid chromatography characterization of human menopausal gonadotropin preparations
17 2010 16158 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional Physico-chemical quality control of human chrionic gonadotropin preparations
18 2010 16159 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional International collaborative study to establish the 2nd WHO International Standard of Human Recombinant Fillicle Stimulating Hormone for Bioassai
19 2010 16160 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional Charge isomer distribution of different pituitary and recombinant human thyrotropin (hTSH) preparations
20 2009 13827 Artigo de periódico Internacional Efficient isolation of the subunits of recombinant and pituitary glycoprotein
21 2009 14160 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Indentity and integraty of 'alfa' and 'beta' - subunit of human thyrotropin prepared by prolonged acetic acid treatment
22 2009 14161 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Comparison between CHO-derived thyrotropin containing 'alfa' 2,6 sialic acid linkages (hlsr-hTSH) and the conventional recombinant product
23 2009 14185 Dissertação Nacional Analise de luteotrofina humana e de gonadotrofina corionica humana, recombinante e natural, por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia em fase reversa
24 2007 12451 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Physico-chemical characterization of alpha and beta subunit of recombinant human glycoprotein hormones: hTSH and hLH

Quadro resumo por ano e tipo de publicação gerada em tempo real a partir do registro dos dados do
autor   BEATRIZ ELANE DE ALMEIDA    no Repositório Digital/IPEN
05/02/2025 17:06:08
Ano Periódicos Periódicos Resumos Eventos Texto Completo Eventos Resumos Teses / Dissertações Livros Capítulos de Livros Relatório
Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Mest. Dout. MP * Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac.
Total 9 1 6 6 1 1 24
2017 1 1
2016 2 2
2014 1 1 2
2013 1 1 2
2012 1 2 1 4
2011 1 1 1 3
2010 1 4 5
2009 1 2 1 4
2007 1 1

 MP * - de 2000 a 2012 - Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia
a partir de 2022 - Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologia das Radiações em Ciências da Saúde