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Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz


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GIOVEDI, C. ( 7 )

Veja também, abaixo da lista, o quadro resumo por ano e tipo de publicação

Publicações do autor   CLAUDIA GIOVEDI MOTTA    depositadas no Repositório Digital/IPEN - Total : 35
30/11/2024 23:28:45
Seq Ano Ipen_doc Tipo Circ. Título
1 2024 30532 Texto completo de evento Internacional Nuclear power plants
2 2024 30557 Texto completo de evento Internacional Simulation of spacer grid static compression test using finite element models
3 2024 30570 Texto completo de evento Internacional Assessment of burnable poison reactivity in the ATF fuel assembly
4 2023 29620 Artigo de periódico Internacional Effectiveness of Ni-based and Fe-based cladding alloys in delaying hydrogen generation for small modular reactors with increased accident tolerance
5 2023 29915 Artigo de periódico Internacional Best estimate plus uncertainty analysis of metal-water reaction transient experiment
6 2020 27693 Capítulo de livro Internacional Neutronic screening of potential candidate for accident tolerant fuel
7 2019 26357 Texto completo de evento Internacional Analysis of stresses acting on the internal and external surfaces of fuel rod of a pressurized water reactor using computational simulation
8 2015 20986 Texto completo de evento Internacional Adaptation on fuel code for light water reactor with austenitic steel rod cladding
9 2015 21070 Texto completo de evento Internacional Preliminary neutronic assessmento for ATF (Accident Tolerant Fuel) based on iron alloy
10 2015 21144 Texto completo de evento Internacional Simulation of the effects of the extend fuel rod burn-up under loca scenario
11 2015 21150 Texto completo de evento Internacional The quest for safe and reliable fuel cladding materials
12 2014 20415 Artigo de periódico Internacional Revisiting stainless steel as PWR fuel rod cladding after Fukushima daiichi accident
13 2013 19235 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of fuel performance with different enrichment degrees for an experimental device
14 2013 19313 Texto completo de evento Internacional Mechanical stress analysis for fuel rod under normal operating conditions
15 2012 17978 Capítulo de livro Internacional Ionizing radiation effect on morphology of PLLA:PCL blends and on their composite with coconut fiber
16 2012 18758 Artigo de periódico Internacional WAXD and FTIR studies of electron beam irradiated biodegradable polymers
17 2011 16870 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of the compatibility induced by ionizing radiation on polymeric blends
18 2011 16872 Texto completo de evento Internacional Fuel performance evaluation for the cafe experimental device
19 2010 15799 Texto completo de evento Nacional Kinetic behavior of irradiated polyacrylonitrile fiber
20 2010 15800 Texto completo de evento Nacional Thermal analytical evaluation on polyacrylonitrile fiber irradiated with electron beam at high doses
21 2009 15177 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation on kinetic parameters of pan fiber modified by electron beam radiation
22 2009 15212 Texto completo de evento Internacional Effect of ionizing radiation on mechanical and thermal properties of low-density polyethylene containing pro-degradant agents
23 2008 13237 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Effect of gamma radiation on PCL/PLLA blends
24 2008 16294 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Compartibilization of polymeric blends using ionizing radiation
25 2008 16295 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Electron beam irradiation effects on polyacrylonitrile fiber
26 2007 11960 Texto completo de evento Internacional Thermal behavior of electron beam irradiated carbon fiber composite
27 2007 12238 Artigo de periódico Internacional Gamma radiation effect on structural properties of PLLAPCL blends
28 2007 13880 Artigo de periódico Internacional Improvement of carbon fiber surface properties using electron beam irradiation
29 2006 12619 Texto completo de evento Nacional FTIR investigation of irradiated biodegradable blends
30 2006 15539 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Gamma radiation effect on structural properties of PLLA/PCL blends
31 2006 16774 Texto completo de evento Internacional The effects of synthesis process on aluminate emitters thermionic properties
32 2005 10589 Texto completo de evento Internacional Effects of electron beam irradiation on fluoroelastomer properties
33 2005 10845 Artigo de periódico Internacional Evaluation of the mechanical properties of carbon fiber after electron beam irradiation
34 2004 10522 Texto completo de evento Nacional Determinacao das fracoes volumetricas de composito de fibra de carbono e matriz epoxi por diferentes metodologias
35 2004 10852 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of the mechanical properties of carbon fiber after electron beam irradiation

Quadro resumo por ano e tipo de publicação gerada em tempo real a partir do registro dos dados do
autor   CLAUDIA GIOVEDI MOTTA    no Repositório Digital/IPEN
30/11/2024 23:28:47
Ano Periódicos Periódicos Resumos Eventos Texto Completo Eventos Resumos Teses / Dissertações Livros Capítulos de Livros Relatório
Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Mest. Dout. MP * Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac.
Total 7 18 4 4 2 35
2024 3 3
2023 2 2
2020 1 1
2019 1 1
2015 4 4
2014 1 1
2013 2 2
2012 1 1 2
2011 2 2
2010 2 2
2009 2 2
2008 3 3
2007 2 1 3
2006 1 1 1 3
2005 1 1 2
2004 1 1 2

 MP * - de 2000 a 2012 - Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia
a partir de 2022 - Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologia das Radiações em Ciências da Saúde