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Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz


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e a respectiva quantidade
SARTORI, C.A.F. ( 14 )
SARTORI, C. ( 2 )

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Publicações do autor   CARLOS ANTONIO FRANCA SARTORI    depositadas no Repositório Digital/IPEN - Total : 40
16/01/2025 05:06:52
Seq Ano Ipen_doc Tipo Circ. Título
1 2022 29314 Artigo de periódico Nacional Compatibilidade e resiliência eletromagnética em sistemas elétricos e eletrônicos
2 2021 27752 Artigo de periódico Internacional A parametric study of inductive SWIPT systems assisted by metamaterial using virtual magnetic TL-based channel modeling
3 2021 28424 Artigo de periódico Internacional Analysis of the resonance phenomenon in unmatched power cables with the resonance surface response
4 2021 28501 Artigo de periódico Internacional Nonlinear metamaterial lenses for inductive power transmission systems using Duffing-resonator based unit cells
5 2020 27549 Texto completo de evento Nacional Análise comparativa de métodos ativos de redução de sobretensão em motores por superposição de pulsos
6 2020 27550 Texto completo de evento Nacional Virtual magnetic TL-based channel modeling of SWIPT systems assisted by MTMs
7 2020 27564 Artigo de periódico Internacional Robust filter design technique to limit resonance in long cables connected to power converters
8 2019 25776 Artigo de periódico Internacional Frequency-domainmodeling of unshielded multiconductor power cables for periodic excitation with new experimental protocol for wide band parameter identification
9 2019 26672 Artigo de periódico Internacional Mu-negative metamaterials seen as band-limited non-foster impedances in inductive power transmission systems
10 2018 24716 Artigo de periódico Internacional A hybrid approach for assessments of equivalent emission sources and electromagnetic environments
11 2018 25910 Texto completo de evento Internacional Modeling of a metamaterial in the FEA of a contactless transcutaneous energy transfer device
12 2017 23037 Artigo de periódico Internacional Overview on the evolution of near magnetic field coupling prediction using equivalent multipole spherical harmonic sources
13 2017 24245 Artigo de periódico Internacional Error analysis for near-field EMC problems based on multipolar expansion approach
14 2017 24924 Texto completo de evento Internacional Effects on the antenna’s radiation pattern due to metamaterial-based sub-wavelength insulation
15 2017 24927 Texto completo de evento Internacional Experimental evaluation of voltage resonance on industrial cables
16 2017 24935 Texto completo de evento Internacional Low-voltage AC surge protective device assessment regarding nuclear plants
17 2017 24953 Texto completo de evento Internacional Mu-negative metamaterials seen as band-limited non-Foster impedances for magnetic coupled systems
18 2017 24969 Texto completo de evento Internacional Impact of mismatch cables impedances on active motor terminal overvoltage mitigation using parallel voltage source inverters
19 2016 22683 Texto completo de evento Internacional Metamaterial-enhanced coupling seen as non-Foster impedance matching
20 2016 22688 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Comparison of the near field coupling using spherical and spheroidal harmonics
21 2016 22689 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Error analysis for near-field EMC problems based on multipolar expansion approach
22 2016 22765 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional An automatic near-field characterization system with multipolar expansion approach
23 2015 21575 Texto completo de evento Internacional Auto-regressive model of magnetic signature for non-invasive fault location in power systems
24 2014 20614 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Complete identification for near-field multipolar expansion of electromagnetic sources
25 2014 20615 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional A comparative study of large loop antennas regarding the evaluation of equivalent radiation sources
26 2014 20698 Resumo de eventos científicos Internacional Nondestructive testing in electrical devices using loop antennas
27 2014 22287 Texto completo de evento Nacional Enhancing the inductive coupling and efficiency of wireless power transmission system by using metamaterials
28 2006 11697 Artigo de periódico Internacional Application of spice simulator in the evaluation of crosstalk computation models
29 2005 11374 Artigo de periódico Nacional Contribuicao a aplicacao das wavelets na eletrostatica
30 1999 12436 Tese Nacional Aspectos de compatibilidade eletromagnética em estruturas atingidas por descargas atmosféricas
31 1996 04884 Texto completo de evento Nacional Pulse magnetic field immunity international standard and the impact on design. Consideration of a magnetic field modeling as a helpful tool
32 1995 02911 Texto completo de evento Nacional Desenvolvimento de uma celula emissora tridimensional relacionada ao calculo de campos eletromagneticos
33 1995 02913 Texto completo de evento Internacional Development of a threedimensional cell suitable for electromagnet field calculation
34 1995 05807 Texto completo de evento Internacional EMC aspects in a steel structure by lightning
35 1994 05800 Texto completo de evento Internacional A method for calculating the current distribution and magnetic field around a lightning stroked structure
36 1994 05801 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of electromagnetic environment around a structure during a lightning stroke
37 1994 05802 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of electromagnetic environment around a structure during a lightning stroke
38 1994 05803 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of electromagnetic environment around a structure during a lightning stroke
39 1994 05804 Texto completo de evento Internacional Evaluation of electromagnetic environemnt around a structure during a lightning stroke
40 1994 12440 Dissertação Nacional Avaliação do ambiente eletromagnético em estruturas atingidas por descargas atmosféricas

Quadro resumo por ano e tipo de publicação gerada em tempo real a partir do registro dos dados do
autor   CARLOS ANTONIO FRANCA SARTORI    no Repositório Digital/IPEN
16/01/2025 05:06:54
Ano Periódicos Periódicos Resumos Eventos Texto Completo Eventos Resumos Teses / Dissertações Livros Capítulos de Livros Relatório
Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Mest. Dout. MP * Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac.
Total 10 2 15 5 6 1 1 40
2022 1 1
2021 3 3
2020 1 2 3
2019 2 2
2018 1 1 2
2017 2 5 7
2016 1 3 4
2015 1 1
2014 1 3 4
2006 1 1
2005 1 1
1999 1 1
1996 1 1
1995 2 1 3
1994 5 1 6

 MP * - de 2000 a 2012 - Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia
a partir de 2022 - Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologia das Radiações em Ciências da Saúde