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Biblioteca Terezine Arantes Ferraz


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e a respectiva quantidade
MESQUITA, R.N. ( 16 )
MESQUITA, R.N. de ( 2 )

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Publicações do autor   ROBERTO NAVARRO DE MESQUITA    depositadas no Repositório Digital/IPEN - Total : 61
01/12/2024 00:52:20
Seq Ano Ipen_doc Tipo Circ. Título
1 2024 30397 Artigo de periódico Internacional Convolutional neural network-based pattern recognition in natural circulation instability images
2 2024 30512 Texto completo de evento Internacional Explainable Artificial Intelligence applied to images of two-phase flow
3 2023 29842 Relatório técnico Nacional Módulo de saída do sistema computacional CaReR
4 2023 29854 Artigo de periódico Internacional CFD Simulation of isothermal upward two-phase flow in a vertical annulus using interfacial area transport equation
5 2022 29028 Artigo de periódico Nacional A comparative study on machine learning regression algorithms aplied to modeling gas centrifuge
6 2022 29034 Artigo de periódico Nacional Critical velocity experimental assessment in flat plate fuel element for nuclear research reactor
7 2021 28148 Artigo de periódico Internacional Characterization of polyacrylonitrile thermal stabilization process for carbon fiber production using intelligent algorithms
8 2021 28192 Texto completo de evento Internacional Classification of two-phase flow instability phases using convolutional neural networks
9 2021 28259 Texto completo de evento Internacional Prediction of failures in rotating machines by vibration spectral analysis
10 2020 25565 Artigo de periódico Internacional Two-phase flow void fraction estimation based on bubble image segmentation using Randomized Hough Transform with Neural Network (RHTN)
11 2020 27565 Artigo de periódico Internacional Nutritional evaluation of Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu using convolutional neural networks
12 2019 26354 Texto completo de evento Internacional Development of a real-time focus estimaton software to be applied in two-phase flow imaging using intelligent processing
13 2018 24758 Artigo de periódico Internacional Classification of natural circulation two-phase flow image patterns based on self-organizing maps of full frame DCT coefficients
14 2018 24764 Artigo de periódico Internacional Studies on capacity expansion of fuel plants for nuclear research reactors
15 2018 24804 Artigo de periódico Internacional Thermal hydraulic analysis improvement for the IEA-R1 research reactor and fuel assembly design modification
16 2018 25071 Artigo de periódico Internacional Two-phase flow bubble detection method applied to natural circulation system using fuzzy image processing
17 2018 25392 Texto completo de evento Nacional Caracterização espacial e determinação da fração volumétrica local de fibra em compósitos com uso de processamento de imagens e descritores estatísticos
18 2017 23513 Artigo de periódico Internacional Psychometric model for safety culture assessment in nuclear research facilities
19 2015 20797 Texto completo de evento Internacional Thermophysical characterization of Alsub(2)Osub(3) and ZrOsub(2) nanofluids as emergency cooling fluids of future generations of nuclear reactors
20 2015 21073 Texto completo de evento Internacional Self-organizing maps applied to two-phase flow on natural circulation loop studies
21 2015 21137 Texto completo de evento Internacional Characterization of physical properties of Alsub(2)Osub(3) and ZrOsub(2) nanofluids for heat transfer applications
22 2013 19453 Texto completo de evento Internacional Perspectives of heat transfer enhancements in nuclear reactors toward nanofluids applications
23 2013 19812 Texto completo de evento Internacional The behavior of ANGRA 2 nuclear power plant core for a small break LOCA simulated with RELAP5 code
24 2013 23885 Resumo de eventos científicos Nacional Heat transfer mode in the core of the Angra 2 nuclear power plant during small break loca obtained with RELAP5 code
25 2012 18189 Artigo de periódico Internacional Classification of natural circulation two-phase flow patterns using fuzzy inference on image analysis
26 2012 18200 Texto completo de evento Nacional Flow regime identification in natural circulation phenomenon using RELAP5 code
27 2012 18201 Texto completo de evento Nacional The behaviour of ANGRA 2 nuclear power plant core for a small break LOCA simulated with RELAP5 code
28 2012 18229 Artigo de periódico Internacional Human reliability analysis data obtainment through fuzzy logic in nuclear plants
29 2012 18514 Texto completo de evento Nacional ANGRA 2 samll break loca flow regime identification through RELAP5 code
30 2011 16868 Texto completo de evento Internacional Development of a labview web-based simulator for RELAP5
31 2011 16918 Texto completo de evento Internacional A RELAP5 study to identify flow regime in natural circulation phenomenon
32 2011 17037 Texto completo de evento Internacional Frequency analysis for the thermal hydraulic characterization of a natural circulation circuit
33 2011 17047 Texto completo de evento Internacional Self-organizing maps of kohonen (COM) applied to multidimensional monitoring data of the IEA-R1 nuclear research reactor
34 2011 17069 Texto completo de evento Internacional Analysis of the influence of human factors on main chemical and nuclear plants accidents occurred on last decades
35 2011 17556 Artigo de periódico Internacional Comparison between experimental data and numerical modeling for the natural circulation phenomenon
36 2010 16126 Texto completo de evento Nacional Análise teórico/experimental do fenômeno de circulação natural
37 2010 16127 Texto completo de evento Nacional Thermal hydraulic phenomenology in a natural circulation circuit
38 2010 16135 Texto completo de evento Nacional Study of the natural circulation phenomenon for nuclear reactors
39 2010 16860 Texto completo de evento Internacional Study of the natural circulation phenomenon for nuclear reactors
40 2010 18834 Texto completo de evento Internacional Study of the natural circulation phenomenon for nuclear reactors
41 2009 12901 Texto completo de evento Internacional A human error probability estimate methodology based on fuzzy inference and expert judgment of nuclear plants
42 2009 15276 Texto completo de evento Internacional Comparison between experimental data and numerical modeling for the natural circulation phenomenon
43 2009 15277 Texto completo de evento Internacional Thermal hydraulic phenomenology for the heating process in a natural circulation facility
44 2009 15394 Texto completo de evento Internacional Two-phase flow patterns recognition and parameters estimation through natural circulation test loop image analysis
45 2008 13460 Texto completo de evento Nacional Analise teórico e experimental do fenômeno de circulação natural
46 2005 10698 Texto completo de evento Internacional Process sensors characterization based on noise analysis techniques and artificial inteligence
47 2005 22203 Iniciação Científica Nacional Estudo e análise do fenômeno de circulação natural no circuito experimental instalado na Engenharia Química/POLI-USP
48 2004 10256 Artigo de periódico Internacional Classification of steam generator tube defects for real-time applications using eddy current test data and self-organizing maps
49 2002 08696 Texto completo de evento Internacional Development of a system for monitoring and diagnosis of steam generator tubes using artificial intelligence techniques on Eddy Current Test signals
50 2002 09288 Texto completo de evento Internacional Feature extraction methods for classification of steam generator tube defects using Self - Organizing Maps
51 2002 12432 Tese Nacional Classificação de defeitos em tubos de gerador de vapor de plantas nucleares utilizando mapas auto-organizáveis
52 2001 07639 Texto completo de evento Internacional Classification of steam generator tube defects using Linear Predictive Coding and a self-organizing neural network
53 2000 06826 Texto completo de evento Nacional Teste de validade para um ensaio por Eddy Current em tubos de geradores de vapor usando logica 'fuzzy' paraconsistente
54 2000 07206 Texto completo de evento Nacional Analise de seguranca do reator IEA-R1 a 5MW
55 2000 09502 Texto completo de evento Internacional Automated monitoring of defects in heat exchanger and steam generator tubing by eddy current test data analysis
56 1999 06618 Texto completo de evento Nacional Simulacao dos acidentes de partida a frio e queda de um elemento combustivel no reator IEA-R1m
57 1997 05002 Texto completo de evento Nacional Analise de acidentes de perda de vazao para o reator IEA-R1m
58 1997 05003 Texto completo de evento Nacional Analise de acidentes de insercao de reatividade postulados para o reator IEA-R1m
59 1996 02966 Texto completo de evento Nacional Analise de acidentes de insercao de reatividade em reatores de pesquisa do tipo piscina
60 1996 03556 Texto completo de evento Nacional Estudos para implantacao de uma instalacao para NCT no reator IEA-R1 do IPEN-CNEN/SP
61 1996 05052 Texto completo de evento Internacional Design of a facility for NCT research in the IEA-R1 reactor

Quadro resumo por ano e tipo de publicação gerada em tempo real a partir do registro dos dados do
autor   ROBERTO NAVARRO DE MESQUITA    no Repositório Digital/IPEN
01/12/2024 00:52:22
Ano Periódicos Periódicos Resumos Eventos Texto Completo Eventos Resumos Teses / Dissertações Livros Capítulos de Livros Relatório
Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac. Mest. Dout. MP * Inter. Nac. Inter. Nac.
Total 14 2 26 15 1 1 61
2024 1 1 2
2023 1 1 2
2022 2 2
2021 1 2 3
2020 2 2
2019 1 1
2018 4 1 5
2017 1 1
2015 3 3
2013 2 1 3
2012 2 3 5
2011 1 5 6
2010 2 3 5
2009 4 4
2008 1 1
2005 1 2
2004 1 1
2002 2 1 3
2001 1 1
2000 1 2 3
1999 1 1
1997 2 2
1996 1 2 3

 MP * - de 2000 a 2012 - Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia
a partir de 2022 - Mestrado Profissional em Tecnologia das Radiações em Ciências da Saúde